Seat belt and air bag
10:45 AM / Comments (3) / by Admin
moral : do use the seat belt provided in the car, buy a car with an airbag, pray to god not to end our life this way. there must be a better way to die isnt?
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Sarawak's bujang senang : air asia & buaya (part 2)
10:23 AM / Comments (0) / by Admin
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Sarawak's bujang senang : air asia & buaya (part 1)
11:24 AM / Comments (3) / by Admin
p/s- no worry to come visit sarawak. no croc will eat u for no reason. buy the low fare airline ticket from!(tony, dont forget to send me a 10k cheque for promoting ur airline!)
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The death angel
12:55 PM / Comments (3) / by Admin
There are many ways of death. one of them is to get killed on the road. road is the new century slaughtering machine. pls drivers, obey the rules, drive safely and wisely! accidents can happen without any notice. it will happen the time u blink ur eyes.
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God does exist
1:33 AM / Comments (0) / by Admin
its me again
and again
peace be upon u
this post theme is, does god exist?i took these pics during my last sem break when i was on my around the world trip with steve jobs.. just kidding
i found these god's masterpiece pictures on my hostel file sharing. if u r interested with these pics, kindly left ur email at my blog and ill email it to u. wallpaper size. there are 415 pics. im not going to spam u for sure. i hate spammers maggots.
the next post will going to be ur worst nightmare.. promoting nuffnang nokia silent halloween with scary photos.hehe
klik the pic for larger size.. it'll redirect u to my flickr photosream
dont forget to bookmark this blog or ur comp will be infected with trojans and da vinci virius.
c u soon
u know u love me
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Math is beautiful
1:51 PM / Comments (5) / by Admin
and again
what about funny pics instead of horrible and make-me-sick pics? these are the best of the best joke ull ever see. lol. if u don't understand these pics, something wrong with ur left brain.haha!
yeah right,expaaaaaaand it bro! haha
pity blondie.. why ppl make fun of blonde humankind eh?
i just dont get it. but this is soooooo math! haha
one of the reasons why intellectual with masters dont want to be a lecturer.
easy math!
found it! haha.100% x
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Ikan stim: the blog with weird pics
1:59 AM / Comments (5) / by Admin
i eventually found my blog theme already!
im going to post weird pics. lol. people who want to see bizarre things can subscribe to my blog. yeeeha.
but for sure, ill not stop promoting my ebook finder services.
this time, i want to share pics that make you go euww~
my last post is about a "bomoh" cheating on his patient and its kinda sexualy explicit content..
so, any of u need a transplant?
Klik Follow di ruangan Followers untuk mengikuti (explicit content 18sx)
4:29 PM / Comments (3) / by Admin
just want to share u some pics i found using my hostel file sharing software (dc++). about a bomoh that take advantage of his patient. these pics show the bomoh is having sex with his patient. his fool patient actually. his patients are unfortunate wives who want to make their hubby stick or fall in love with them every seconds. sadly the bomoh cheat them by asking them to drink a spelled water (air yg dijampi) and then fcuk them. wtfish?? the bomoh said, he need to spell the wives private part and the ritual must be done naked. whats wrong with these girls??
p/s-if u dont know what a bomoh is, google it. i heard that this event took place somewhere in northern malaysia. wives out there, dont be stupid okayy!
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top100 university in the world!
10:34 AM / Comments (2) / by Admin
buat post melayu pulak
klau korg baca shout box aku tu,mcm2 bnda d argue kn.
ada yg myerang cara pmikiran n ada yg myerang personally. mcm shabery serang anwar time
debat muda mmg suka myerang pribadi.
cuma bnda yg d argue ni, xlah sepenting debat tu.
ni antara chaters yg paling aktif, nama beliau noh farid. dia xlink kn nama dia, so theres no info about him/her. noh farid, klau ada ms,blog atau fs atau facebook,link kn lah. pmikiran noh farid ni agak kritis. aku suka. ni antara bnda yg dia kata;
noh farid: "ntahh,nmpak sgt farid ni bodo,tk phm-phm,tp bdk UTP,universiti,tp bodo.."
farid tu,refer pada aku lah. nk kata aku pndai, xla pndai sgt. xpnh dpt dean list pun. aku rasa, noh farid ni lepasan/tgh study kat harvard atau pun oxford sbb itu antara top5 university kat dunia ni.kalau dpt msuk sana, mmg dia yg terbaik kat msia ni .mmg genius la tu. oleh kerana xde info psl beliau, xpasti la sama ada dia study atau dh bkerja. aku trima kritikan nih farid ni dgn hati trbuka sbb utp mmg tak msuk ranking 100 university terbaik dunia pun.. jadi boleh kata pnuntut utp xla hbat mana. apa yg boleh dbnggakn klau mnuntut d utp ni, yg terpilih adalah 500 dlm 10,000. jadi ,stiap intake,ada 10,000++ application tp yg msuk hnya 500 org dan yg dpt biasiswa petronas pun bkn smua.ditapis lg. (berbanggalah junior2 ku!)
tp nabi kata,org yg bijak tu bkn yg msuk harvard, tp yg mngingati sesiapa dh siapkn bekalan utk akhirat, apa kata beli insuran nyawa pulak? kesian anak bini xterbela klau kita mati..klau nk beli polisi takaful etiqa,kontek aku. hehe. ada polisi melabur + plindungan, plindungan shj dsbgnya.
dh melalut ni.. ni nk kongsi ranking U terbaik dunia: mmg xde u msia kat dlm list nih
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Ebook4u ( Im offering you ebooks & you only pay me the service charge for searching it )
12:56 AM / Comments (0) / by Admin
1. Harry Potter Books 1-7 (Ebook - English) (RM69.99) Recommended
2. The Law Of Success - Napoleon Hill (RM19.99)
3. who moved my cheese - spencer johnson (RM9.99) Recommended
4. Building a Web Site for Dummies (RM9.99)
5. Stephen Covey - The 8th Habit [Executive Book Summaries] (RM9.99)Recommended
6. The 7 Habits of Highly Eff People - Stephen Covey (RM9.99) Recommended
7. robert_t._kiyosaki_-_rich_dad,_poor_dad (RM9.99) Recommended
8. Robert G Allen - road_to_wealth (RM9.99)
9. 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires by Brian Tracy (RM9.99)
10. Tony Buzan - Speed Memory (RM9.99)
11. ayat-ayat cinta, oleh habiburrahman el shirazy (RM9.99) Recommended
12. Now You Know- Doug Lennox (RM9.99)
13. Alexander the Great. His Armies and Campaigns (RM9.99)
14. How To Stop Worrying And Start Living By Dale Carnegie (RM9.99) Recommended
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what myspace can do to ur blog!
4:58 PM / Comments (2) / by Admin
promote ur blog in myspace or utube u'll be surprised! just imagine,if u promote ur blog on ur myspace profile that has nearly 5k visitor per day.
myb u wont get 5k unique visitor.but it does help u promote ur blog
eventhough my blog didnt has 1k unique visitor per day, but myspace does promote my blog well. i know nothing about marketing or increase the trafic of ur blog .. pls share more info with me!
p/s- tertekan sbb nuffnang xltak iklan kat my blog anymore.. since last 2 weeks i got nothing from nuffnang.
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books by Dale Carnegie (tokoebooks again!)
12:18 PM / Comments (0) / by Admin
- Harry Potter Books 1-7 (Ebook - English) (RM69.99) Recommended
- The Law Of Success - Napoleon Hill (RM19.99)
- who moved my cheese - spencer johnson (RM9.99) Recommended
- Building a Web Site for Dummies (RM9.99)
- Stephen Covey - The 8th Habit [Executive Book Summaries] (RM9.99)Recommended
- The 7 Habits of Highly Eff People - Stephen Covey (RM9.99) Recommended
- robert_t._kiyosaki_-_rich_dad,_poor_dad (RM9.99) Recommended
- Robert G Allen - road_to_wealth (RM9.99)
- 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires by Brian Tracy (RM9.99)
- Tony Buzan - Speed Memory (RM9.99)
- ayat-ayat cinta, oleh habiburrahman el shirazy (RM9.99) Recommended
- Now You Know- Doug Lennox (RM9.99)
- Alexander the Great. His Armies and Campaigns (RM9.99)
- How To Stop Worrying And Start Living By Dale Carnegie (RM9.99) Recommended
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new info about local art from our friend t.k.i
11:55 AM / Comments (3) / by Admin
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Dengan rasminya, blog ni di tutup
7:28 AM / Comments (3) / by Admin
- ahmadfaridsainuri
i says...hey :`( heheheheheh ahmad farid sainuri nangis bace nisemua kakakakakakakakakaa
- Details
- 2008-10-17 6:14 PM
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- xnangis pun,tkjut saja..i didn't know yg blog aku ni offensive!
- farid ahmad
...KENAL LU...muke jambu, takde misai budak tak matang...masih TOY, work tak DOPE, tapi ayat nk straight edge...tutup blog tau bukan chater box..keke
- Details
- 2008-10-17 6:11 PM
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- hehe,stuju!aku sndri stres tgk hasil "artwork"aku.xpndai nk terer2.artwork la sgt..btw misai xde sbb aku ckur .xska ada misai.keke
- farid ahmad
kah kah kah...tape ngan ini aku bg pihak ahmadfaridsainuri ingin merasmikan BLOG INI DITUTUP KERNA MULUT BADAN HAMPIR TAK JUMPE BINASA TUNGGU KAMI...
- Details
- 2008-10-17 6:09 PM
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- xtutup lg laaa~xsmpai stahun pun aku wat blog niii..jgn halau aku wehhh
- noh farid
ko soh la abu bakar haila pkai bju ko babi,ni tk,ko nk mrh noh pkai bju owg asal,bior la,ko dh la mrantau tmpt owg,pastu nk bg busok nama sabah!!
- Details
- 2008-10-17 6:08 PM
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- sapa abu bkar halia? aku xmrh la..bkn itu ke faktor certain clothing tu naik?klau x,kongsi la info .
- noh farid
akunye klothing xlaku,sbb tu yg aku dengki ngn owgnye plk,mslhnye aku mmg bangang,so tkyhla nk perli owg len,blajar r sendri,mle dr bwh..
- Details
- 2008-10-17 6:06 PM
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- sapa noh farid?rasanya viewer ni perli aku aku agak laku jgk ekceli.huhu.walupun xslaku yg msuk chart nila..aku xperli aku,yg msuk chart ni adalah aku pnya benchmarking.tgh mule dri bwh la ni.yeah!
- noh farid
ouh yeke,aku pn dgr camtu gk,dia terer art yek,art pemende,artcore yekk,straight edge sesgt,knowledge aku dh power tu yg aku ske mngata owg lk,kn kn..
- Details
- 2008-10-17 6:01 PM
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- err..aku bkn stret adge
- farid ahmad
loh...aku nk snap foto 187clothing then aku edit masuk kat badn beckham je lh..sbb ahmadfaridsainuri kan art n design...kekekekekeke...sialan
- Details
- 2008-10-17 5:58 PM
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- haha.nila akibat nya klau mgaku diri seorang aktivis dh kena hina.haha
- noh farid
tuh r sapal,kene tnye ahmadfaridsainuri r,sbb dia r aku rse cam bodo je,aku pn xtau aku ni emo hanjeng ke,hardcore babi ke,ikan ke,straight edge sgt..
- Details
- 2008-10-17 5:55 PM
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- aku pun xtau aku emo ke,hardcore ke,stret edge ke..
- farid ahmad
yeke...mcm mn nk jd indie???indie tu lagu ke???bollywood???ke nk tanye ahmad farid yang otai bab2 lebel2 ni...apa pendapat kowang???
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- 2008-10-17 5:50 PM
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- noh farid
sabah ba,sama la ku,akunye limited gk,limited 127,br je start,mntak ajar sama ku ba,aku xske sme noh gk,tp aku ske sama kamo,aku ni indie,emo hanjeng,
- Details
- 2008-10-17 5:48 PM
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- aku xbnci noh laaaaaaaaaaaaaa..aduhai..salah fhm niiii
- farid ahmad
aku budak sabah jugak jauh ngan kl ni...tah bile leh noh pakai baju aku mcm bdk2 ni....erm tahlah ....nk datang kl duit takde....ddk hulu katakan....
- Details
- 2008-10-17 5:44 PM
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- ntah,aku yg dok area sini pun xdpt pluang mcm dorg..
- noh farid
samat raya gk.. hi wt seme,gua indie-yon.. hai seme..
- Details
- 2008-10-17 5:43 PM
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- hi hi hi
- farid ahmad
selamat hari raya ....hheheheheheheh....hidup malaysia bersatu
- slamat rayaa
aku xttup blog nila..aku xjangka pulak blog aku ni mnimbulkan kmrahan di kalangan org ramai.
soryyyy!!minta maaf kalau tersinggung. tp klau boleh,btulkn mana yg silap tu..jng hina saja.xde improvement la klau yg lbih tahu xmgajar yg kurag tau.
1st time kene attack dowh..rasa besalah plak wat depa marah.aiyooo
aku nk tekankn,aku xbnci noh~~~~~~~~ aku ske dgr lgu hujan. yg dia sbg pelaris tu,itu la marketing strategy clothing2 tuuuuuuuuu.aku saja nk bgtau.bknnyaa aku bnci nohhhhhhh
btw,aku sdiakn chat box utk org yg xde blog bg komens,so aku xttp chat box ok.nanti ada yg nk bg idea tp xleh nk tulis
apa2 pun,aku mnta maaf klau post2 aku salah,n myinggung prasaaan. yg slah tu,tlg btulkn yaa.i mean,tulis tajuk post n apa yg salah. nk bg idea pun xpa.tulis tajuk post,b bg idea..stiap org msti ada idea tersndiri kn
maaf kn aku dunia!
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ermm bleh tak kalau seblum nak judge org tuh,buat research bebetul :sori,im not judging them and this chart is not a fact. i mentioned it already yg ni adalah based on my own personal view n apa yg saya tahu. no research hve been done. dats y t.k.i kata aku buat citer gebeng. lol. mmg agak gabeng pun
tau tak 84cube ngan bangkit adalah antara independant label yg tertua kt malaysia yg berjaya??? pastu takkan tak tau kot bangkit sponsor baju2 utk citer KAMI???tau2
pastu tau tak wearenvy dah byk gile buat baju utk band2 cam one buck short,pop shuvit,oh chentaku,estranged and byk diorang pun dah byk kali klua magazine cam utopia,rottw..
pastu tau tak sebnanye independant first skali yg naik dan berjaya ialah wondermilk pasal diorang tahun 98 camtuh dah ade kedai kat damansara...time tuh ade ke street signal sumer nihhh?????
kalau stakat hujan yg femeskan baik takyah la...pasal ramai lg independant label yg dah pegi international...
korang jgn dgr citer gebang mamat nih...bkn nyer betul pun ranking die...suke2 je nak judge org~betul tu! ranking ni tidak diiktiraf mana2 magazine ataupun website yg di popular. ranking ni hanyalah personal view. tgkiu utk pndpat n info t.k.i