What raya is from my non muslim friends p.o.v

3:15 AM / Comments (2) / by Admin


its me again, (this is my blog, how come it isnt me??) haha
like my previous post, ill selang seli kn posts. the one related to my business (ebook-finder)
and not related to it. this one is not about ebooks or books or politics.

i wonder, what is raya from my non muslim friends perspective. since ive been involving myself serving NUFFNANG, its obvious the majority bloggers is chinese and the topics will be about moon cake la, clubs ,party n etc. but what is raya from ur point of view aa? hey2, do drop seome comments or shout it out loud at the shoutmix box

hapy raya to all. may god bless u

ohya, do read my previous posts.haha. sempat lagi promo..


TNH @ September 28, 2008 at 10:06 AM

Hari Raya mean holiday to me..and i also can visit my muslim friend and enjoy delicious Malay food..Yeah..just like chinese new year...holiday and food.. :)

Admin @ September 29, 2008 at 4:54 AM

hapy holiday tnh!
such a muhibah country kn? our malaysia