Facebook, Friendster, Myspace, Hi5 dan foundernya (U)

1:28 AM / Comments (6) / by Admin



Facebook: Mark Elliot Zuckerberg
Title: The World's Most Influential People of 2008 under the Scientists & Thinkers category
Estimated wealth: 2 billion
Bangsa: Yahudi

Friendster: Jonathan Abrams
Title: Founder friendster dan socializr

Hi5: Ramu Yalamanchi
Bangsa : Indian
Title: founder of the no#1 social networking service for the Spanish speaking market, and a top 10 site in 20 countries across the globe

Myspace: Thomas Tom Anderson @ lord flathead
Title: Pernah hack komputer Chase Manhattan Bank time umur 14 tahun

baca disini: klik

Ikanstim: Farid
Title: mencabar majalah mastika untuk menghentikan penerbitan ketika berumur 15 tahun.
kesahihan info: penipuan 100%
sila lah google kalau nak tahu. hehe

info yg paling byk boleh di google ialah mengenai founder facebook. yg lain agak susah nak cari. mungkin facebook cepat sangat pintas otai-otai yg lain kot. kan? secara peribadi, web paling best among them is myspace.

Suka entri kali ni? follow/bookmar ikanstim sekarang sempena stok masih ada!


qishie @ October 11, 2009 at 11:15 AM

aku tak suka myspace.orang yang tak kenal pun boleh tiba2 add pastu semata2 suruh komen pic.pffffttt~
takde keje..aku pilih fb sebab mostly orang2 yang aku kenal kat sana.n aku nak keep in touch senang. huhu..

izzat aziz @ October 11, 2009 at 12:33 PM

serious Mark Elliot Zuckerberg.. aku ingatakn atheism.

Admin @ October 11, 2009 at 1:34 PM

sng cerita, dia yahudi yg xamal judaism

Deen @ October 15, 2009 at 12:16 AM

ak rase facebook plg terbaik..
simple n stylo..
bile mesia nk buat ni??

Kri @ December 8, 2009 at 4:50 AM

facebook org yahudi arkk... amik fs laaa

Admin @ December 8, 2009 at 10:21 AM

terserah kepada kita utk memilihnya